Areas of practice.
Resources and Energy.
Joint ventures (exploration and mining)
Joint operating agreements (oil and gas)
Farm-in agreements (for minerals or oil and/or gas)
Project acquisitions and divestments
Royalty agreements
Minerals legislation advice
Mineral rights agreements
Mineral off-take agreements
Mineral tenement and tenure reports
Oil and gas legislation advice
Project financing documentation
Legal due diligence
Mining and construction agreements
Land access and compensation agreements
Mining services agreements
Corporate Law.
ASX listings and compliance
Capital raisings
Prospectuses (initial public offerings, back door listings, placements and rights issues)
Share purchase plans
Notices of meetings and information memoranda
Related party transactions
Employee share, option or rights schemes
Directors’ duties
ASX compliance
Backdoor listings
Corporate mergers and restructuring
Corporate acquisitions
Dual exchange listings
Underwriting agreements
Executive service agreements
Native Title Law.
Native title compensation trusts for native title claim groups
Native title mining agreements
Future act agreements for minerals projects
Land use agreements
Processes and requirements under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth)
Aboriginal heritage agreements and requirements under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 (WA)
Native title royalty structures
Native title due diligence for mineral project acquisitions